石榴籽·同心圆 | 彝族:以火把节为媒,赴一场火的盛会
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:54 点击次数:151
火把节,是许多少数民族共同的节日,其中彝族火把节规模最大、内容最丰富,特色也最为浓郁。The Torch Festival is a common festival among many ethnic minorities, with that of the Yi ethnic group boasting the largest scale, richest content, and most distinct characteristics.彝族火把节,在每年的农历六月二十四日盛大举行,会持续三天之久。彝族是崇尚火的民族,彝族人相信火能驱虫辟邪,庇佑五谷丰登。The Torch Festival of the Yi ethnic group is celebrated grandly on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month every year and lasts for three days. The Yi people, who worship fire, believe that flames can ward off insects and evil spirits, and bless the abundant harvest of crops.在火把节期间,会举行彝族民间传统的赛马、摔跤、斗牛、斗鸡等比赛。During the Torch Festival, various traditional Yi ethnic activities such as horse racing, wrestling, bullfighting, and cockfighting competitions are held. 此外,还会举行选美大赛,女生冠军被称为“金索玛”,男生冠军则被称为“金鹰”,“金索玛”“金鹰”不仅代表着美丽与英俊,更是彝族文化中对高尚精神品质的赞美。In addition, there is also a beauty pageant, where the female champion is known as the “Golden Soma”, and the male champion is called the “Golden Eagle.”“Golden Soma” and “Golden Eagle” not only represent beauty and handsomeness but also a Yi ethnic way to praise noble spiritual qualities.火把节当天,彝族人们皆会身着节日的盛装,载歌载舞,打着黄伞的美丽姑娘,踩着细碎而富有韵味的舞步,跳起“火把节之舞”。On the day of the Torch Festival, the Yi people dress in festive attire and engage in singing and dancing. Beautiful girls, holding yellow umbrellas, perform the festival dance featuring graceful and rhythmic movements.夜幕降临,人们纷纷将火把点燃,一条条被点亮的“火龙”汇聚成一团熊熊燃烧的篝火,寓意着众人团结一心、民族生生不息。As night falls, people light up their torches, and the ignited “fire dragons” gather together to form a blazing bonfire, symbolizing unity and the eternal vitality of the ethnic group.人们把“火把节”称为“东方的狂欢节”。现在,全中国不同民族、不同地区的人们,都可以来体验狂欢,以火把节为媒,各民族文化互鉴、互融,如熊熊燃烧的火焰一般热烈相拥。The Torch Festival is often referred to as the “Eastern Carnival.” Now, people from different ethnic groups and regions across China can come together to experience this festive celebration. Through the Torch Festival, various ethnic cultures can interact and blend with each other, embracing each other like the blazing flames.